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Chris Hergesheimer shortlisted for Social Awareness Literary Prize

Chris Hergesheimer shortlisted for Social Awareness Literary Prize

Congratulations to Chris Hergesheimer, whose book, The Flour Peddlar, co-written with his brother Josh, has been shortlisted for the George Ryga Award for Social Awareness, presented annually to a B.C. author for an outstanding book about social issues. The Flour Peddlar (Caitlin Press) recounts the brothers’ journey to Africa as they transport their pedal-powered milling technology from Roberts Creek, […]

Jill Guerra contributes to piece on the TPP and food sovereignty

Jill Guerra contributes to piece on the TPP and food sovereignty

Jill Guerra partnered with several classmates to write an explainer for entitled “Inequality Explained: Will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect Canada’s food sovereignty?   You can read it here!